Unlock Your Potential

Welcome to the BeOne Community, a transformative Personal Development and Mindset group dedicated to helping you unleash your true potential. 

What sets us apart?

Below is everything you will receive on a monthly basis when you join us and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment.


1. Comprehensive Workshops:

Immerse yourself in a multitude of mental, physical and emotional workshops held throughout each month. Our curated lineup of workshops covers a wide range of topics, equipping you with the tools and techniques to enhance your personal growth.

2. Mindset and Personal Development Tasks:

Engage in thought-provoking tasks and exercises specifically designed to challenge and expand your mindset. By actively participating in these activities, you'll gain valuable insights and develop a deeper understanding of yourself.

3. Self-Exploration Resources:

Gain access to a wealth of information and resources aimed at helping you understand yourself on a deeper level. Uncover hidden potentials, identify limiting beliefs, and discover effective strategies to overcome negativity and limitations in your life. 

4. Positivity Boosters:

We understand the importance of maintaining a positive mindset. Our community provides regular tips, techniques, and exercises to increase positivity, motivation, and drive. Feed your mind with uplifting content and take control of your life. 

5. Supportive Community:

Join a supportive and encouraging community where Ben, our experienced coaches, and fellow members are on hand to answer your questions and provide guidance. Share your experiences, learn from others, and grow together. 

6. Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Content:

Gain exclusive access to behind-the-scenes videos and audio content that delve into the BeOne Way online courses. Get a sneak peek into the strategies and techniques taught in these courses, further enhancing your personal development journey

All of this and more is available to you for just £20 per month (16p a day)


We believe in providing exceptional value and flexibility, which is why you can cancel your membership at any time.  

Join the BeOne Community today and embark on a life-changing journey of personal growth and empowerment.

Together, let's create a life you truly deserve. 

Don't wait any longer to unlock your full potential.


Sign up now!

Trusted by 

In 2023 BeOne Mindset was accredited and approved by the NHS to be used as a service to support people to live a healthier and happier life. Helping people learn how to take more control of themselves, their thoughts, emotions and behaviours, creating a more positive future. This was a huge step for us and we are proud to be backed and used by the NHS, Gp services, link workers and more. We are different because we help people learn how to improve their life longterm and be able to sustain positive change. 

🧠 Knowledge is power 


💪 Courage is strength 


⚡ Action is everything! 


" A key for mindset and taking successful action, is having clarity on what to do with the information and tools you learn "


A community like no other. Designed in a way where your mind and brain will be able to navigate and use the information to the fullest. 

This is an investment for you and your life, to live at your best, and make your life the best it can be.

Community Features


Why is Personal development and mindset so important? 

We asked some of our BeOne Mindset Community what they thought and all though everyone has a different angle, we think you'll agree it's a key part of our lives.

Oli Dunn

Mindest for me is probably the most important discipline that us human beings should need to focus on in life. Our mindset or state of mind is fundamentally crucial to how are day goes and how are weeks and life flow (or not) When we are in a positive mindset / state then we will be far more likely to have a positive day. 

Adam Cox

Mindset to me is how your mind is programmed to help you achieve what you want. Its common to have a fixed mindset which restricts you and your decisions, where as its hould be the other way around and you telling your mind what is possible. 

Callum Bailey

I would define Mindset as the way you perceive the world and interpret that information (whether you see the ‘good’ in the bad for example) Our mindset can be what restricts us or pushes us to our limits. 


I am learning that mindset is the foundation of pretty much everything - everyday life, living, tasks, relaxing, learning - it all hinges on your mindset. You have the choice, you create your own outlook. If its not working for you, its not set in stone, tweak that mindset and small changes can bring massive benefits. 

Sophie Mellor

Mindset to me is how I think and react to different situations, i try and have a positive mindset on most things in life and try and make the most of everything. Sometimes if i dont want to do something i iknow i need to, i have a little word with myself and change my mind to ‘I am doing it’. 

Ready to begin? Click here to sign up (monthly)

Tom Edwards

Mindset to me is like a switch in your brain. When you really want something you will switch this on and give it everything to achieve it. With the correct mindset you really can have anything. 

Janet Evans 

Mindset for me is staying focussed and reacting positively to life. Its about being confident and committed to my goals and picking myself up when things dont go quite right or dont turn out how id envisaged tehy would. Mindset is being honest and open with yourself and not letting negativity creep in. I remove myself from people or situations that are going to have a negative impact on my life. I wake up each day looking forward to good things happening. 

Chris Hammond

Mindset for me is the attitude you apply to any activity or situation, like a muscle it can be trained and it can be a big differentiator between being good or great at something.